

篇名: 1例妊娠期高脂血症相关性重症急性胰腺炎患者的药物治疗分析
摘要: 目的:探讨临床药师在高脂血症相关性重症急性胰腺炎(HL-SAP)患者药物治疗中的作用。方法:临床药师参与1例妊娠期HL-SAP患者剖宫产术后的治疗,通过分析患者的病情,根据临床指南和相关文献,协助医师优化用药方案。为了避免增加横纹肌溶解和肝损害的风险,临床药师建议将阿托伐他汀由20 mg,qd,减量至10 mg,qd;在患者血象平稳且感染得到控制时,临床药师建议抗菌药物降阶梯治疗,以左氟氧沙星注射液0.5 g,ivgtt,qd+甲硝唑注射液0.5 g,ivgtt,q12 h替代美罗培南。结果:医师采纳临床药师建议,患者病情好转,于15 d后转入消化内科继续治疗。结论:临床药师对经剖宫产术的HL-SAP患者进行药学监护,协助医师制订用药方案,有效地降低了药品不良反应的发生率,确保了患者用药的安全、有效。
ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE: To investigate the role of clinical pharmacists in the therapy for sever acute pancreatitis induced by hyperlipidemia (HL-SAP) patient. METHODS: Clinical pharmacists participated in the therapy for a pregnant patient with HL-SAP after cesarean section, assisted physicians to optimize therapy plan through analyzing the disease condition according clinical guide and relevant literatures. Clinical pharmacists suggested to decrease atorvastatin 20 mg, qd to 10 mg, qd in order to avoid the risk of rhabdomyolysis and liver injury. When patient’s hemogram kept stable and infection had been controlled, clinical pharmacists suggested antibiotics de-escalation treatment: Levofloxacin injection 0.5 g, ivgtt, qd+Metronidazole injection 0.5 g, ivgtt, q12 h instead of meropenem. RESULTS: Physicians adopted the suggestions of clinical pharmacists. The patient was recovered and transfer to gastroenterology department 15 d later. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical pharmacists provide pharmaceutical care for HL-SAP patient after cesarean section, and assist physicians to formulate therapy plan so as to reduce the incidence of ADR effectively and guarantee the safe and effective use of drugs.
期刊: 2016年第27卷第20期
作者: 陈清清,李莉霞
AUTHORS: CHEN Qingqing,LI Lixia
关键字: 高脂血症;重症急性胰腺炎;药学监护;临床药师
KEYWORDS: Hyperlipidemia; Severe acute pancreatitis; Pharmaceutical care; Clinical pharmacists
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