

篇名: 司美格鲁肽致药品不良反应文献分析
TITLE: Literature analysis of semaglutide-induced adverse drug reaction
摘要: 目的 探讨司美格鲁肽致药品不良反应(ADR)的特点,为其临床安全应用提供参考。方法以“司美格鲁肽“”不良反应”等的中英文为检索词,检索PubMed、WebofScience、SpringerLink、中国知网、中华医学期刊全文数据库、万方医学网及维普医药信息资源系统,收集司美格鲁肽致ADR的病例报道并进行分析。结果共纳入14篇文献,共计17例患者。17例患者中,女性9例、男性8例,年龄25~80岁;8例患者合并应用2种及2种以上药物;8例患者以0.25mg为起始剂量;大多ADR(94.12%)发生在用药后6个月内;16例患者经停药和/或对症治疗后均好转或痊愈;11例患者未提及后续是否继续使用司美格鲁肽;9例患者进行了ADR相关性评价,断定为“肯定“”很可能“”可能“”有可能”的分别有1、3、1、4例。司美格鲁肽致ADR可累及多个器官或系统,以消化系统最多(35.29%),其次为皮肤组织(29.41%);其中,急性胃扩张、重度肝损伤、结石性胆囊炎、大疱性类天疱疮、嗜酸性筋膜炎、急性肾损伤、急性间质性肾炎、抑郁症、急性溶血性贫血均为药品说明书未记载的ADR。结论司美格鲁肽所致ADR可发生在各年龄段,以用药后6个月内发生为主,主要累及消化系统、皮肤组织等。临床使用时,应重点加强对肝肾功能不全、神经精神疾病、葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶缺乏症等人群的药学监护,出现相关ADR时应及时停药和/或对症治疗,以保障患者的用药安全。
ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE To explore the characteristics of adverse drug reaction (ADR) induced by semaglutide and provide a reference for clinically safe medication. METHODS Using search terms such as “semaglutide” and “adverse reactions” in both Chinese and English, the case reports about ADRs caused by semaglutide were searched and analyzed from PubMed, Web of Science, SpringerLink, CNKI, Chinese Medical Journal Full-text Database, Wanfang Medical Network and VMIS. RESULTS Overall 14 literature were included, involving 17 patients. Among 17 patients, 9 were female and 8 were male, with the age ranging from 25 to 80 years. Eight patients were given two or more drugs, and eight patients took 0.25 mg as the initial dose; the ADR occurred most frequently within 6 months (94.12%). Sixteen patients’ symptoms improved or recovered after drug withdrawal and symptomatic treatment. Eleven patients did not mention whether to continue to use semaglutide in the future. Nine patients underwent ADR correlation evaluation, and 1, 3, 1 and 4 cases were determined to be “definite”,“ probable”,“ possible”, and “doubtful” respectively. Semaglutide-induced ADRs involved multiple organs or systems, most of which were the digestive system (35.29%), followed by skin tissue (29.41%). Among them, acute gastric dilation, severe liver injury, calculous cholecystitis, bullous pemphigoid, eosinophilic fasciitis, acute kidney injury, acute interstitial nephritis, depression and acute hemolytic anemia were not mentioned in the instruction. CONCLUSIONS ADRs caused by semaglutide can occur in all ages, mainly within 6 months after medication, and mainly involve the digestive system, skin tissue, etc. Great attention should be paid to pharmaceutical care for those patients with liver and kidney dysfunction, neuropsychiatric diseases, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, etc. When ADR occurs, drug withdrawal and symptomatic treatment should be performed promptly to ensure patients’ medication safety.
期刊: 2024年第35卷第18期
作者: 孙如男;仓代晓;全香花;张传洲;赵俊
AUTHORS: SUN Runan,CANG Daixiao,QUAN Xianghua,ZHANG Chuanzhou,ZHAO Jun
关键字: 司美格鲁肽;不良反应;病例报道;文献分析
KEYWORDS: semaglutide; adverse drug reaction; case report; literature analysis
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