

篇名: 广东省零售连锁药店与执业药师药学服务能力调研
TITLE: Investigation and study on pharmaceutical care ability of retail chain pharmacies and licensed pharmacists in Guangdong province
摘要: 目的 为提升零售连锁药店药学服务质量和执业药师药学服务能力,满足公众药学服务需求提供参考建议。方法通过问卷调查法和知情人访谈法,对广东省零售连锁药店执业药师基本情况、药学服务开展情况、受访执业药师能力水平和知识水平现状、开展药学服务的影响因素等内容进行调查分析。结果与结论共发放问卷444份,回收有效问卷326份,有效回收率为73.42%。326名受访执业药师中,本科及以上学历占40.18%,具有药学或中药学及相关专业背景的占79.75%;共185名(56.75%)受访执业药师表示其所在的零售连锁药店设置了药学服务专区;分别有320名(98.16%)、137名(42.02%)和181名(55.52%)受访执业药师表示其所在零售连锁药店开展了合理用药指导、中药代煎和建立患者用药档案的药学服务项目。受访执业药师各项能力水平和知识水平自我评价得分均显著高于3分(中间值),但药物治疗管理能力和药学监护实践方法的自我评价得分相对较低。受访执业药师认为影响零售连锁药店开展药学服务的主要因素为患者不信任或不配合(196名,60.12%)、销售绩效要求(170名,52.15%)和日常工作量大(165名,50.61%)。建议相关部门通过加快《药师法》立法进程,优化执业药师继续教育制度,开展药店药学服务能力星级评定工作等措施鼓励零售连锁药店和执业药师的专业化发展;同时,建议药品零售连锁企业转变经营思维,加大药学服务投入并加强药店专业氛围建设,优化执业药师薪酬结构,提升药店和执业药师药学服务能力,满足公众药学服务需求。
ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE To provide reference for strengthening the quality of pharmaceutical care in retail chain pharmacies and the professional capabilities of licensed pharmacists, and to meet the public’s pharmaceutical care needs. METHODS A combination of questionnaire survey and informant interview was used to investigate the general information of licensed pharmacists in retail chain pharmacies in Guangdong province, the implementation of pharmaceutical care, the competence and knowledge status of the surveyed licensed pharmacists, and the factors affecting the development of pharmaceutical care. RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS A total of 444 questionnaires were sent out and 326 effective questionnaires were collected, with an effective recovery rate of 73.42%. Among 326 surveyed licensed pharmacists, a college degree or higher accounted for 40.18%, and the pharmacy major or related accounted for 79.75%. A total of 185 (56.75%) of the surveyed licensed pharmacists indicated that the retail chain pharmacies where they worked had established specified areas of pharmaceutical care; 320 (98.16%), 137 (42.02%) and 181 (55.52%) of the surveyed licensed pharmacists indicated that the retail chain pharmacies where they worked could provide services such as rational medication guidance for patients, decocting traditional Chinese medicines and establishing health records, etc. The self-assessment scores of the surveyed licensed pharmacists were significantly higher than 3 (median) for competence and knowledge level, but the self-assessment scores for medication therapy management competence and pharmaceutical care practice were relatively low. The surveyed licensed pharmacists believed that the main factors affecting the development of pharmaceutical care in retail chain pharmacies included patients’ lack of trust or cooperation (196, 60.12%), sales performance requirements (170, 52.15%), and heavy daily workload (165, 50.61%). It is recommended that relevant authorities expedite the legislative process of the Pharmacist Law, optimize the continuing education system for licensed pharmacists, and implement a star-rating evaluation system for pharmaceutical care capabilities in pharmacies, so as to encourage retail chain pharmacies and licensed pharmacists to pursue a more specialized development path. At the same time, pharmaceutical retail chain enterprises should shift their business mindset, increase investment in pharmaceutical care, enhance the professional atmosphere in the pharmacies, optimize the compensation structure for licensed pharmacists, and elevate the pharmaceutical care capabilities of both the pharmacies and licensed pharmacists to fulfill the pharmaceutical care needs of the public.
期刊: 2023年第34卷第23期
作者: 沈曼娜;阮娴静;张艳;陈洁玲;岳新燕
AUTHORS: SHEN Manna,RUAN Xianjing,ZHANG Yan,CHEN Jieling,YUE Xinyan
关键字: 零售连锁药店;执业药师;药学服务;广东省;调研
KEYWORDS: retail chain pharmacy; licensed pharmacists; pharmaceutical care; Guangdong province; investigation
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