

篇名: 大豆苷元通过雌激素样作用防治骨质疏松症的机制研究现状
TITLE: Mechanism research status of daidzein in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis through estrogen-like effect
摘要: 骨质疏松症作为一种高发病率、高致残率的全身性骨病,已成为近年来的研究热点。大豆异黄酮中的大豆苷元可以与雌激素受体结合,模拟雌激素样作用防治骨质疏松症,其作用机制包括:通过激活Wnt信号通路来促进成骨细胞形成和分化,提高骨密度,改善骨组织健康;通过降低核因子κB受体激活蛋白配体/骨保护素比例,下调巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(M-CSF)的表达来抑制破骨细胞分化,减缓骨吸收;协同抗氧化和调节免疫,以达到预防和治疗骨质疏松症的目的。此外,不同剂量的大豆苷元对骨密度和骨质疏松会产生不同的效应,这可能与研究设计、样本选择和个体差异等因素有关。
ABSTRACT: Osteoporosis, as a systemic bone disease with high incidence rate and high disability rate, has become a research hotspot in recent years. The daidzein in soybean isoflavones can bind with estrogen receptors, simulating the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis with estrogen-like effect. Its mechanism of action includes promoting osteoblast formation and differentiation by activating the Wnt signaling pathway, increasing bone density, and improving bone tissue health; inhibiting osteoclast differentiation and slowing down bone resorption by reducing receptor activator of nuclear factors κB ligand/ osteoprotegerin ratio, downregulating the expression of macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF); collaborating antioxidant and immune regulation to achieve the goal of preventing and treating osteoporosis. In addition, different doses of daidzein have different effects on bone density and osteoporosis, which may be related to factors such as study design, sample selection, and individual differences.
期刊: 2023年第34卷第20期
作者: 叶盛航;张煜薇;孟晓伟;陈丽华;朱卫丰;管咏梅
AUTHORS: YE Shenghang,ZHANG Yuwei,MENG Xiaowei,CHEN Lihua,ZHU Weifeng,GUAN Yongmei
关键字: 大豆苷元;骨质疏松症;雌激素样作用;作用机制
KEYWORDS: daidzein; osteoporosis; estrogen-like effect; mechanism
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