

篇名: 萝藦种子中脂肪油和挥发油成分分析
摘要: 目的:分析萝藦种子中脂肪油和挥发油成分。方法:采用气相色谱-质谱联用法(GC-MS)分析萝藦种子中脂肪油和挥发油成分:色谱柱为HP-5MS石英弹性毛细管柱,载气为高纯氮气,流速为1 mL/min, 进样口温度为220 ℃,色谱柱初始温度为120 ℃(程序升温),柱压为80 kPa,分流进样,分流比为20 ∶ 1,进样量为1 μL;质谱条件:离子源为电子轰击离子源,电子能量为70 eV,接口温度为250 ℃,质量扫描范围为m/z 50~550,扫描间歇为1.0 s。采用顶空气相色谱-质谱联用法(HSGC-MS)分析炒制前后萝藦种子挥发油成分的差异:色谱柱为HP-5MS石英弹性毛细管柱,载气为高纯氮气,流速为1 mL/min,顶空加热温度为90 ℃,加热时间为30 min,色谱柱初始温度为80 ℃(程序升温),柱压为80 kPa,分流进样,分流比为20 ∶ 1,进样量为1 μL;质谱条件:离子源为电子轰击离子源,电子能量为70 eV,接口温度为210 ℃,质量扫描范围为m/z 50~550,扫描间歇为1.0 s。结果:从脂肪油中共鉴定出30个成分,其中亚油酸、油酸、棕榈油酸相对含量较高;从挥发油中共鉴定出54个成分,主要为萜烯类成分,其中衣兰油二烯、罗汉柏烯、脱氢香橙烯相对含量较高。炒制后多检测出4-萜烯醇,且二氢香芹醇相对含量较炒制前增加了1倍。结论:该研究基本明确了萝藦种子脂肪油和挥发油主要成分;炒制前后萝藦种子挥发油成分存在一定差异。
ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE: To analyze fatty oil and volatile oil in seed of Metaplexis japonica. METHODS: Fatty oil and volatile oil in seed of M. japonica were analyzed by GC-MS: HP-5MS quartz capillary column, high purity nitrogen as carrier gas, flow rate of 1 mL/min, injector temperature of 220 ℃, primary column temperature of 120 ℃ (temperature programmed), column pressure of 80 kPa, split sampling, split ratio of 20 ∶ 1, sample size of 1 μL. Mass condition: electron bombardment ion source, electron energy of 70 eV, interface temperature of 250 ℃, mass scanning range of m/z 50-550, scanning interval of 1.0 s. The difference of volatile components in seed of M. japonica before and after processing was analyzed by HSGC-MS: HP-5MS quartz capillary column, high purity nitrogen as carrier gas, flow rate of 1 mL/min, headspace heating temperature of 90 ℃, heating time of 30 min, primary column temperature of 80 ℃ (temperature programmed), column pressure of 80 kPa, split sampling, split ratio of 20 ∶ 1, sample size of 1 μL. Mass condition: electron bombardment ion source, electron energy of 70 eV, interface temperature of 210 ℃, mass scanning range of m/z 50-550, scanning interval of 1.0 s. RESULTS: A totall of 30 components were identified in fatty oil, among which relative contents of linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid were in high level; 54 components were identified in volatile oil, main components were terpenes, among which relative contents of cananga oil diene, thujopsene, dehydro aromadendrene were in high level. Terpinen-4-ol was found and dihydrocarveol increased 100% after frying,compared with before frying. CONCLUSIONS: The study basically confirm main component of fatty oil and volatile oil in seed of M. japonica; there is difference of volatile components in seed of M. japonica before and after frying.
期刊: 2017年第28卷第18期
作者: 胡鹏,蔡静,张园娇,李祥,陈建伟
AUTHORS: HU Peng,CAI Jing,ZHANG Yuanjiao,LI Xiang, CHEN Jianwei
关键字: 萝藦种子;脂肪油;挥发油;气相色谱-质谱联用法;顶空气相色谱-质谱联用法
KEYWORDS: Seed of Metaplexis japonica; Fatty oil; Volatile oil; GC-MS; HSGC-MS
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